Sunday, February 23

Tag: Sillicon Valley

How Africa’s Tech Generation Is Changing the Continent

How Africa’s Tech Generation Is Changing the Continent

DESIGNING FOR AFRICA is the objective of many new technology ventures. The continent is still a largely untapped market, particularly in remote, off-the-grid places. Mark Kamau, director of user-experience design for BRCK in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, holds a prototype for a mobile weather station.PHOTOGRAPH BY CIRIL JAZBEC Inspired by Silicon Valley, young entrepreneurs are bringing life-improving innovations to sub-Saharan communities. ONE DAY IN 2004, in the Kenyan farming village of Engineer—so named because an Englishman once ran a mechanical repair shop there—a slight and nearsighted boy was walking past the only printing shop when his eyes fell on something he had never seen: a computer. The boy watched as the owner stabbed at his keyboard. Edging closer, he saw pages s...