Monday, March 10

Ramaphosa Announces Vaccine Passports for SA + All The Details

During his address to the nation on Thursday evening, SA President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the Department of Health would begin rolling out vaccination certificates as the government made its final effort to reach its goal of vaccinating over 33-million people by December 2021.

Currently, 17-million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine have been administered, with the government targetting inoculating 16-million more people by mid-December. In line with this, Ramaphosa announced the ‘Vooma Vaccination Weekends’ campaign which will see the government ramp up its vaccination drive by opening more vaccination sites over weekends.

According to Independent Media, Ramaphosa said that the Department of Health would roll out the vaccine certificates to be used as a form of proof of vaccination for those wishing to travel or access certain establishments.

“The Department of Health should be rolling out a vaccination certificate which will provide a secure and a verifiable proof of vaccination certificate which can be used to facilitate travel to access establishments and gatherings and other forms of activity that require proof of vaccination,” the president said, adding that this was in line with World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines. Continue reading

Image: Media24