Monday, March 10

5 Reasons Why 5G Makes a Real Difference

Over the last 36 months, 5G has rapidly gained mindshare in society as a vital technology.

But not all stakeholders in industries adjacent to the telecom industry understand what makes 5G different from its predecessors.

In this post, we describe a set of strategic choices made for previous mobile generations of which we made a single choice. 5G makes it possible to embrace both options, thereby unlocking larger opportunities earlier in the deployment cycle.

Here are 5 Reasons Why 5G Makes a Real Difference:

5G is for Both Consumer and Business Users

The introduction of 4G was consumer-led, with infrastructure and device technology development centred around smartphones for consumers. Businesses adopted consumer technology through a more visible, bring-your-own-device (BYOD) movement. Internet of Things (IoT) realisations using 4G focused on re-using technology designed for smartphones at a later stage of the 4G journey. Where devices such as smartwatches came after smartphones. Continue reading